IEEE Macau榮獲“The Best Membership Retention Award- Small Section”
祝賀!周萬雷教授當選2025 IEEE Fellow
祝賀!徐青松教授當選2025 IEEE Fellow
十一月九日(星期三)本會舉辦 “智慧醫療:老年化社會的機遇與挑戰研討會”。FDCT陳允熙主席及仁伯爵醫院郭昌宇院長等嘉賓出席是次研討會。
The electric grid is the key enabler of all critical sectors that billions of people across the world depend on, and a driver of economic development. The ever-evolving impacts of climate change and weather events that are becoming more frequent and severe are threatening the ability of the electric sector to deliver these critical functions. The severe impacts of climate change are already being observed across United States. As such, record low temperatures in Texas in the winter of 2021 have resulted in rolling outages, leaving homes amid freezing conditions.