The electric grid is the key enabler of all critical sectors that billions of people across the world depend on, and a driver of economic development. The ever-evolving impacts of climate change and weather events that are becoming more frequent and severe are threatening the ability of the electric sector to deliver these critical functions. The severe impacts of climate change are already being observed across United States. As such, record low temperatures in Texas in the winter of 2021 have resulted in rolling outages, leaving homes amid freezing conditions.
為推動「數碼澳門」智慧城市建設發展,澳門電訊積極與社會各持份者共商共建各項智慧應用,澳門電機及電子工程師學會(IEEE Macau)會長岳宗斌日前率團到訪澳門電訊,就智慧街燈、智慧城市發展交流意見及建議,以及邀請澳門電訊參與本會將於10月舉行的智慧街燈、物聯網應用研討會,向政府和社會大眾表達對智慧街燈,以至物聯網、智慧城市建設發展的專業意見。
2020年11月24日, 澳門電機及電子工程師學會代表拜訪了澳門城市大學,獲得澳門城市大學學術事務副校長、數據科學研究院院長周萬雷及研究生院執行副院長蔡智明的盛情接待。